Well, in my opinion school is way easier here and I do not only have fun classes (even if I could take them haha)...
My school has trimester and everyday I have 5 classes. This Tri I have a 2-hour block of cooking every morning, then US History and then 30 minutes of lunch. After lunch I have English 11 and Algebra 2.
So I think I have a good mix between 'Fun' classes and normal classes that you actually have to study for (jk, I haven't studied in 10 months ;D)

Just saying but you already have 25% right, even if you don't study and just pick random answers....
So a tipp for new exchange students:
If the year does not count in your home country, don't stress out about classes but try something new! In my first and second Trimester I had Interior Design and enjoyed it. Plus I got Culinary Arts (or simply cooking) in my second Trimester and loved it so much that I have it in a two-hour block now. My school has their own restaurant and we prepare everything during class and learn useful management skills in case we want to go into the restaurant business. We cook and bake everything from cookies, cakes, soups, pizza and burger or pasties (Pasteten ;D) and I already know that I will continue cooking when I am back home.
So don't stress out about classes and try new things!
XO Alina
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