yes it's actually me. That girl that promised to post weekly updates and didn't keep her promise. Well, sorry for that but I just did not have the time (haha :D an exchange year can be stressful) and/or the motivation to write something.
So yeah, here are some updates of what you missed in my incredibly fascinating life ;D
Oh and in case you did not notice yet... After rather unhappy posts about wanderlust and so on I found back to my old sarcastic self. And writing this is so much better than working on an essay for english haha... ;D
Where do I start?
Maybe with the title. As you can probably already guess, a group of friends and I went to an Amish Dinner and the food was just delicious! It had some German accents and tasted awesome!! Due to their religious beliefs, the Amish people don't like when people take pictures of them, so I can't help you out with that.
Then (well already a couple weeks ago) my hostfam and I went to Frankenmuth aka 'Michigan's little Bavaria' and I have to say I have never been so happy to hear songs like 'Schatzi, schenk mir ein Foto' or something like that lol. There we also visited one of the worlds biggest christmas stores that is open year round and closes only over christmas... (Ironic right?)
As you can see, they have quite a bit of Christmas stuff right? :D
Well, after we spent Easter in Detroit my Spring break was almost over and I spent the rest like a normal teenager... Watching Netflix and sleeping... :D
Now we make a jump from Easter back to April, because our school had 'Oscars' this Friday. That was an award show with a lot of different categories and everybody dressed up super fancy (kinda like Homecoming). After school I went with Johanna and her sister and we got ready, went to Panera for Dinner and then enjoyed the show.
A small comic just to make you guys smile ;D

Ok, so looking at the length of this post I decided to do a second one.
Keep tuned
XO Alina
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