Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2016

You know you're in Michigan, when....

Hey my friends, 
Ok ok I know the super bowl is already two weeks ago and I will surely take the time to post about it. But first, here are some funny facts about Michigan. Maybe they give you a closer look on this funny, amazing and beautiful state I'm living in at the moment. So enjoy it :D

1) Well, I feel deeply sorry for all the other states where all the people can not eat superman ice cream... :D 
2) Funny story, take a funny foreign accent and mix it with Michigan English ;D

3) Let us all be happy for a second that I'm not driving yet ;) 

4) Yes, and up north is just awesome! 

5) Not only once... (Already from my house to school at least 2 or 3 times) ;D

6) Just everything. I think there's hardly anything you can't get. 

7) Never happened to me :D

8) Again, just imagine number 2 again. 

9) Not driving yet...

10) Absolutely. :D 
But there's a difference when Michigan plays against Ohio State ;) 

11) Yes, deer are as common as squirrels :D

Ok my friends, see you soon and I hope you all had the chance to laugh at least once or twice while reading it ;)



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